Month: October 2023

Probability games

today for maths Team Tui did some activities to start the day. The first three activites were blocko,cards,flip the bottle and greedy pig.

The rules for blocko were to collect 11 blocks and and space them out on a sheet across 11 numbers then a teacher would roll a dice once the dice was rolled the teacher would yell a number out of 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12. when a number is called out of  2 -12 if any of ur blocks are on the number that the teacher called out you are to remove that block from the sheet  the first person with zero blocks on there sheet wins.


For then rest of the games you are given are given a sheet to track your failures and success if you are right or wrong.

One other game that I really enjoyed was the card game. The rule for the game was to look at a list to see what cards to flip if u did not flip the right card. You had to record our success and failures on a sheet. The learning was fun and enjoyed doing something different for Maths.